What is Yoga? A history

Yoga is not just a trend; it’s a practice that has stood the test of time, originating over 5,000 years ago in India. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root “yuj,” meaning to yoke, join, or unite. Ancient yogis developed practices to achieve a higher state of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.

108 Sun Salutations

It’s practiced meticulously with heightened body awareness and synchronized breath. You approach the practice knowing the task ahead of you. You regulate your energy to last throughout the period. You do it with utmost gratitude to your beautiful body. You are made aware of the imbalances of your anatomy. Weak points and things you need to pay more attention to. These are all good things to experience and observe.


Meditation; simply put, is mindfulness. One might argue that mindfulness is a form of meditation. They would be right. It is also true that it is one and the same. Meditation is a heightened state of awareness which leads to focused attention. I invite you to study the literal meaning of the word in your first language. It’ll give you better perspective of what is the process is about. What it is that meditation is trying to achieve.